Lady in heels walking passed a wet floor sign

Slip and Fall Accidents: What Are they?

The most common types of premises liability claims are slip and fall accidents. These accidents happen when someone trips or slips on someone else's property, resulting in injury. When a slip and fall accident occurs, the property owner may be legally responsible.

Types of Slip and Fall Accidents

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 to 30 percent of people involved in slip and fall accidents suffer moderate to severe injuries. They commonly cause broken bones but can cause catastrophic injuries, such as TBIs and spinal injuries. Common types of slip and fall accidents include:

Broken bones. Older adults are at a higher risk of these types of injuries. Ankles, hips, and wrists are the most common types.

Knee Damage. Sometimes slip and fall injuries can result in a torn ACL or MCL. You can also risk dislocating your patella and needing knee reconstruction surgery.

Shoulder or neck injury. These injuries occur because of impact itself or due to overexertion while trying to catch yourself during the fall. They typically result in torn nerves, shoulder dislocation, or broken collarbones.

Cuts and Abrasions. These injuries typically require superficial treatment or stitches in more severe cases. Common types include cuts or abrasions on the legs and arms or wounds to the head or hips.

Back and spinal cord injury. The impact of falling on your back can cause severe damage that could lead to paralysis, brain and sensory impairments, or even death.

Causes of Slip and Fall accidents

Slips and falls can be a result of many things. The most common causes of these accidents include:

Wet and uneven floors. This is the leading cause of slip and fall claims. Anyone entering the premises should be warned of hazardous conditions by adequate signage. This includes uneven or loose flooring, recently waxed floors, spills, potholes, or icy surfaces.

Unsafe ladders or stairs. Using these in a hazardous matter can result in serious injuries. This could be worn freshly waxed stairs, lack of handrails, or flooring transitions.

Environmental conditions. These include flooring transitions, stairs debris, or extension cords running across walkways.

What Should I do?

Following your slip and fall accident, many steps are required to take.

  1. Seek medical attention- you should see a doctor soon after your accident. The longer you wait, the higher the risk of reducing compensation amounts becomes. The value of your case also depends on the cost of medical treatments. Without bills and statements, you aren't able to receive compensation.
  2. Report your slip and fall accident to the property manager- it's critical to report your accident as soon as possible. If you wait too long to do so, you risk the chances of the property owner arguing your injuries don't happen on their premises.
  3. Take photos- this should be done as soon as possible. Often after someone is injured, the property owner quickly tries to fix the issue so that they can argue it never happened on their premises.
  4. Contact a skilled attorney. When dealing with a slip and fall injury, it's best to limit all communication with insurance companies and work with an experienced attorney. They can be a good resource for legal advice, calculating damages, negotiating settlements, and even representing you in court.

We Can Help

If you or someone you know has been injured in a slip and fall accident, call us right away. Here at Wolf & Fuhrman, LLP, we have the knowledge and skillset to fight for your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.

Visit us online, or call our offices at to speak to a skilled member of our team and schedule a free consultation.